Zamówienia: European Border and Coast Guard Agency - Frontex

2 zamówienia archiwalne

Historycznie rzecz biorąc, dostawcami dla European Border and Coast Guard Agency - Frontex byli Opticoelectron Group JSCo i Regula Baltija Ltd.

Ostatnie zamówienia dokonane przez European Border and Coast Guard Agency - Frontex

2018-03-06   Framework Contract for the supply of document inspection devices for Frontex joint operations (European Border and Coast Guard Agency - Frontex)
The tender is divided into three (3) lots per type of equipment needed, as follows: Lot 1 — Compact magnifier with different light sources; Lot 2 — Portable hand-held/on-body document inspection system; Lot 3 — Portable desktop or mobile (in a suitcase) document inspection system. Each Tenderer is invited to submit offers for one or more lots. Wyświetlenie zamówienia »
Wymienieni dostawcy: Regula Baltija Ltd
2018-02-16   Framework Contract for the supply of handheld carbon dioxide detectors (European Border and Coast Guard Agency - Frontex)
The subject of this tender is to establish the Framework Contract for the supply of handheld carbon dioxide detectors. Wyświetlenie zamówienia »
Wymienieni dostawcy: Opticoelectron Group JSCo