Zam贸wienia: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), FRONTEX.MB.AD.GSC.LPU.PROC - Procurement

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European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), FRONTEX.MB.AD.GSC.LPU.PROC - Procurement historycznie by艂 nabywc膮 produkty chemiczne, produkty chemiczne wysokowarto艣ciowe i聽r贸偶ne i specjalistyczne produkty chemiczne.

Ostatnie zam贸wienia dokonane przez European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), FRONTEX.MB.AD.GSC.LPU.PROC - Procurement

2023-05-08   Chemical Toilet Cabins and Associated Services in EU Countries and in Norway, Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, Republic... (European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), FRONTEX.MB.AD.GSC.LPU.PROC - Procurement)
Frontex needs to establish a FWC for renting of mobile (non-sewer-connected) chemical toilet cabins for a single person, associated logistics and maintenance services, as described in the point 4 of terms of reference. Wy艣wietlenie zam贸wienia 禄