2012-03-07Purchase and delivery of 2 items of terminal trailers (Gdynia Container Terminal S.A.)
Purchase and delivery of 2 items of terminal trailers within the investment project „The construction of infrastructure and purchase of equipment within phase II of building GCT container terminal in Gdynia”.
The place of delivery is the Gdynia Container Terminal SA, Bulgarian Quay (Nabrzeże Bułgarskie), port of Gdynia (Poland).
Terminal Trailer of the following particulars:
1. Maximum load Q = 70 t,
2. Max. speed with load (70 t) 20km/h,
3. The ability of loading containers: ISO 20’, 30’, 40’, 45’, …
Wyświetlenie zamówienia » Wymienieni dostawcy:Buiscar Cargo Solutions B.V.