Dostawca: Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics

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Ostatnie zamówienia, w których wymieniony jest dostawca Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics

2014-07-18   Development of feasibility study of E40 Dnieper – Vistula Waterway Restoration (Association for Regional and Local Development ‘Progress’)
The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is to contribute to greater economic attractiveness and transport accessibility of the Polish, Belarusian and Ukrainian regions through successful implementation of Phase 1 ‘Analysis and preparation’ and laying a foundation for implementation of Phase 2 ‘Planning’ and Phase 3 ‘Construction’ of the big-scale infrastructure project on restoration of an important international arterial waterway E40 on the section Dnieper – Prypiać – … Wyświetlenie zamówienia »
Wymienieni dostawcy: Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics