Dostawca: N.B.C. System S.R.L.

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Ostatnie zamówienia, w których wymieniony jest dostawca N.B.C. System S.R.L.

2020-08-25   Framework Contract for Provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Sanitary Items (Frontex)
This FWC is interinstitutional. The objective of this FWC is to provide the contracting authority the possibility to purchase in a relatively short period of time different quantities of any type of personal protective equipment and sanitary items each time the need arises, according to the terms and conditions described in the tender documentation. Frontex intends to award a multiple framework supply contract with reopening of competition to the minimum three (3) and maximum five (5) selected … Wyświetlenie zamówienia »
Wymienieni dostawcy: BLS S.R.L. IGEFA Handelsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG International SOS Europe Government... Kronosan S.R.L. N.B.C. System S.R.L.