Dostawca: Steinbeis 2I GMBH

Jedno zarchiwizowane zamówienie

Ostatnie zamówienia, w których wymieniony jest dostawca Steinbeis 2I GMBH

2020-08-10   Research Study on Technology Foresight on Biometrics for the Future of Travel (European Border and Coast Guard Agency — Frontex)
The main objective of this tender is the delivery of a research study with a focus on the future of biometrics for implementation in border control systems that may, in a short (1-5 years), medium (5-10 years) and long term (10 + years) perspective, benefit the work of the agency and the EBCG community. Wyświetlenie zamówienia »
Wymienieni dostawcy: Steinbeis 2I GMBH