Provision of IT courses for Frontex staff
The aim of this call for tenders is the selection of a service provider to organise IT training courses for Frontex staff. The objective of these courses is to improve IT skills of Frontex staff.
The tenderer should organise the following MS Office 2007 courses for Frontex staff:
MS Excel training (intermediate and advanced level);
MS Word training (intermediate and advanced level);
MS PowerPoint training (intermediate and advanced level);
MS Project training (intermediate and advanced level);
MS Visio training;
MS Outlook training;
MS Access training.
In case new versions of these programmes are launched, Frontex reserves the right to request the contractor to update the content of the training in line with the developments. Such an update shall have no influence on the contract prices.
Termin składania ofert wynosił 2011-05-18.
Zamówienie zostało opublikowane na stronie 2011-03-31.
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