Purchase and delivery of 2 items of electrical RTG cranes
Purchase and delivery of 2 items of electrical RTG cranes within the investment project „The construction of infrastructure and purchase of equipment within phase II of building GCT container terminal in Gdynia”.
Detailed order conditions (DOC) are available on the following purchaser’s site:
http://www.gct.pl/terminal/przetargi - reference number: 5/DN/2011.
Electrical Rubber Tyred Gantry (RTG) crane of the following particulars:
1. Hydraulic steering device (the so-called carousel);
2. Safe working load under the spreader (SWL) minimum Q = 41 t;
3. Crane powered by electricity from the power cable reel system (15 KV±15 %, 3 phase, 50Hz±2 %,);
4. Equipment that allows passage of the crane in a different parallel sector of the container yard;
5. A spreader capable to handle ISO 20', 30', 40', 45' containers;
6. Storage height: 6 containers + 1 handling level;
7. Storage width: 6 container rows + 1 additional handling line for vehicles;
8. Working conditions with the wind of: 7,5 Beaufort scale;
9. Max load per wheel 38 t;
10. Audio system, which consists of a speaker located outside the cabin and of a microphone located inside the operator’s cabin;
11. Warning sensors which stop the gantry unit in front of an obstacle;
12. Cabin equipped in wipers and air conditioning;
13. Stationary heating;
14. Spreader levelling control (trim/list/skew system);
15. Computer software, driver, any visualization programs translated into Polish;
16. Possibility for hoisting/lowering of the spreader while driving;
17. All electrical, hydraulic, mechanical systems, devices must be adapted to the climatic conditions prevailing at the purchaser’s location;
18. Crane equipped with the reactive power compensation;
19. Operating rated speeds:
— Gantry travel speed (90 m/min),
— Trolley speed (70 m/min),
— Hoisting/lowering speed:
—— With rated load (25 m/min),
—— With empty spreader (60 m/min).
The additional, precise technical specification is in “Appendix 1: Technical specification” for the tender 5/DN/2011.
Termin składania ofert wynosił 2011-11-30.
Zamówienie zostało opublikowane na stronie 2011-10-20.
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