Framework contract for maintenance and evolution of the Eurosur network
The aim of this framework contract is to evolve the Eurosur network from its pilot phase into a stable service aligned with the Eurosur legislation.
Eurosur is a distributed, Web-based, GIS intensive, information exchange system developed in Java and OSS technologies. It provides a persistent connection between Member States and Frontex using a fully extensible information-sharing system to support secure 'information trade' between the corresponding national coordination centres and the national coordination centres and Frontex. Eurosur network is composed of different nodes, with their corresponding hardware and software.
Eurosur uses a set of secure peer-to-peer Internet connections that allows its nodes to use services to exchange information on irregular migration and related border crime. The Eurosur Technical Office, providing master services and support to the network and nodes, is an integral part of Eurosur.
The maintenance and support of the network as well as its evolution are objectives of this framework. Evolution of the network should be understood as activities including but not limited to: design, development, implementation and deployment of the new functionalities.
More specifically, the framework contract shall cover the following main areas:
a. Eurosur evolution:
— extension of the Eurosur network to new nodes to encompass all current and future Member States, Schengen associated countries and selected EU agencies,
— improving system stability & reliability of Eurosur nodes and applications suite,
— extending Eurosur Nodes accessibility by local users and systems,
— development of Eurosur staging and training environments,
— enhancement of network security,
— enhancement of Eurosur application following usage evolution;
b. Eurosur support and maintenance:
— daily operation of Eurosur network,
— maintenance & support of the Eurosur network and applications suite,
— establishment and management of a central spare part stock.
Termin składania ofert wynosił 2013-01-18.
Zamówienie zostało opublikowane na stronie 2012-12-04.
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