Supply of 1 quayside container gantry crane
Quayside container gantry crane of the following particulars:
1. Gantry span 20 [m] (rail profile A100),
2. Rated load under spreader Q = 60 [tonnes] for twin lift operation, and 41 [tonnes] for single lift operation.Spreader capable to handle 20'/30'/40'/45'/2x20'. For twin lift spreader operation, there shall be centre spreaded capability, telescopic type with corner flippers.
3. Lift above top of seaside rail = 35 [m] to the lowest point of twist lock.,
4. Lift below top of seaside rail = 15 [m],
5. Outreach from C.L. of seaside rail = 52 [m] to service limit, 54 [m] to emergency end stop limit. (to work 18 wide container vessels),
6. Crane powered by electricity from the power cable reel system (15 KV±10%, 3 phase, 50Hz±2%,).,
7. Maximum wheel loads:
a. 44 tonnes per wheel for seaside,
b. 35 tonnes per wheel for landside,
c. wheel spacing from 1.20m to 1.50m,
d. maximum width of the crane = 35 [m].
8. Equipped with personnel lift for 3 persons plus tools (≈400kg),
9. Warning sensors which stop the gantry unit in front of an obstacle (including obstacles on gantry wheels level),
10. Cabin equipped in wipers and air conditioning,
11. Stationary heating,
12. Equipped with devices for reactive power compensation,
13. Spreader levelling control (trim/list/skew system),
14. Working conditions with the wind of : 8 BS,
15. Computer software, driver, any visualization programs translated into Polish,
16. All electrical, hydraulic, mechanical systems, devices must be adapted to the climatic conditions prevailing at the Purchaser's location,
17. Min. operating rated speeds:
· Gantry travel speed (45 m/min),
· Trolley speed (150 m/min),
· Hoisting/lowering speed:
with rated load (60 m/min),
with empty spreader (120 m/min);
The additional, precise technical specification is in “Appendix 1: Technical specification” for the tender 1/DT/2012/13.
Termin składania ofert wynosił 2013-07-19.
Zamówienie zostało opublikowane na stronie 2013-06-05.
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