Supply of one (1) unit of Reachstacker for container handling
Reachstacker with following parameters:
1. Lifting capacity in 1st row Q = 45 [ton];
2. Lifting capacity in 2nd row Q = 35 [ton];
3. Lifting height greater than 15 000 [mm] (5 containers 9' 6” height);
4. Spreader capable to handle ISO 20', 40' containers;
5. Preffered wheel dimension 18.00 – 25 or 18.00-33;
6. Working conditions with the wind of: 5,5 Beaufort's scale;
7. Maximum tyre load 38 t;
8. Cabin equipped in wipers and air conditioning,
9. Stationary heating,
10. Computer software, driver, maintenance and operating programs any visualization programs translated into Polish,
11. All electrical, hydraulic, mechanical systems, devices must be adapted to the climatic conditions prevailing at the Purchaser's location – Port of Gdynia
12. Operating rated speeds:
— Speed without load (25 km/h),
— Speed with rated load (20 km/h),
— Boom up/down speed:
with rated load (0.24 m/min),
without load (0.34 m/min).
Termin składania ofert wynosił 2013-12-10.
Zamówienie zostało opublikowane na stronie 2013-11-05.
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