Framework contract for the provision of reception services for Frontex headquarters
Frontex intends to conclude a single framework contract with a professional and experienced reception services provider in order to ensure high quality of administrative services in the Agency's representative areas at Frontex premises. The framework contract shall be implemented by means of order forms issued, in principle, on a yearly basis for the permanent receptionists (4 persons intended). Individual order forms may be issued on an ad hoc basis to cover additional needs of Frontex arising in relation to the organised events. 4 permanent bilingual (Polish/English) receptionists shall provide reception services during working days of the Agency (Monday to Friday, except Frontex holidays) between 8:00 to 17:00 (regular office hours) at the Agency's premises.
Termin składania ofert wynosił 2014-05-12.
Zamówienie zostało opublikowane na stronie 2014-03-24.
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