Supply of 2 units of quayside container gantry cranes
A) 2 Quayside container gantry cranes with the following parameters:
1. Gantry span 20 (m) or 30,48 (m) with rail profile A120,
2. Rated load under spreader minimum Q = 41 (tonnes) for single lift operation and minimum Q = 52 (tonnes) for twin lift operation. Spreader capable to handle 20'/30'/40'/45'/2x20' containers,
3. Rated load under the hook minimum Q = 64 (tonnes);
4. Crane powered by electricity from the power cable reel system (15 KV±10 %, 3 phase, 50Hz±2 %),
5. Outreach from C.L. of seaside rail = 56 (m) (to service at least 19 container wide vessels),
6. Spreader capable of lifting 20'/30'/40'/45'/2x20' ISO containers,
7. Maximum wheel loads for seaside rail 100 (t/m) and for land-side rail 75 (t/m), (stow storm conditions),
8. Lift above top of seaside rail = 36 (m) to the lowest point of twist lock,
9. Lift below top of seaside rail minimum = 14 (m),
10. Equipped with personnel lift for 3 persons plus tools (≈400 kg),
11. Working conditions with the wind of up to 8 BS. (maximum operation wind)
12. Warning sensors which stop the gantry unit in front of an obstacle (including obstacles on gantry wheels level),
13. Cabin equipped in wipers and air conditioning,
14. Stationary heating,
15. Spreader levelling control (trim/list/skew system),
16. All electrical, hydraulic, mechanical systems, devices must be adapted to the climatic conditions prevailing at the Purchaser's location,
17. Computer software, driver, maintenance and operating programs and any visualization programs translated into Polish,
18. All manuals and documents connected with the object of the Order translated into Polish,
19. Operating rated speeds:
(a) Gantry travel speed min. (45 m/min),
(b) Trolley speed min. (200 m/min),
(c) Hoisting/lowering speed:
— with rated load min. (50 m/min),
— with empty spreader min. (120 m/min).
Note 1:
The Purchaser accept an alternative offers for supply of used STS container gantry cranes not older than 20 years from the date of production, which meet or will meet after the necessary modernization works the above parameters and which during the previous seven years were not acquired with the participation of national or community grants. In such cases the tender offer must include a declaration of the crane's age, a picture of its nameplate and a confirmation that the crane were not within the previous seven years acquired with the participation of national or community grants. The tender offer shall also include copies of all necessary documents (certificates, manuals etc.) issued by the appropriate authority in the country in which the Equipment is operated and/or manufactured, confirming admission of the Equipment to service.
Note 2:
Is permissible to use equivalent technological solutions to those presented in this DOC and Technical Specification. In order to propose equivalent technological solutions, the Tenderer should fill in Part IV Deviation List of the Form of Tender.
Note 3:
Purchaser reserves the right to conduct the technical inspection of the Equipment before the signing of the Contract in order to assess the current technical condition of the Equipment. This inspection may involve the participation of one inspector from the Polish Transportation Supervision (TDT).
Termin składania ofert wynosił 2015-01-14.
Zamówienie zostało opublikowane na stronie 2014-12-05.
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