Supply of one (1) unit of Reach-stacker for container handling
3.1 Reach-stacker with following parameters:
1. Lifting capacity in 1st row Q = 45 (ton);
2. Lifting capacity in 2nd row Q = 35 (ton);
3. Lifting height greater than 15 000 (mm) (5 containers 9' 6” height);
4. Spreader capable to handle ISO 20', 40' containers;
5. Preferred wheel dimension 18.00 — 25 or 18.00-33;
6. Working conditions with the wind of: 5,5 Beaufort's scale;
7. Maximum tyre load 38 t;
8. Cabin equipped in wipers and air conditioning;
9. Computer software, driver, maintenance and operating programs and any visualization programs translated into Polish;
10. All manuals and documents connected with the object of the Order translated into Polish;
11. All electrical, hydraulic, mechanical systems, devices must be adapted to the climatic conditions prevailing at the Purchaser's location — Port of Gdynia;
12. Operating rated speeds:
— Speed without load (25 km/h);
— Speed with rated load (20 km/h);
— Boom up/down speed:
• with rated load (0.24 m/min);
• without load (0.34 m/min).
Termin składania ofert wynosił 2015-01-21.
Zamówienie zostało opublikowane na stronie 2014-12-05.
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