Supply of 2 units of quayside container gantry cranes
2 units of quayside container gantry cranes:
1. Gantry span 20 (m) or 30,48 (m) with rail profile A120;
2. Rated load under spreader not less than Q = 52 (tonnes) for twin lift operation, and not less than Q = 41 (tonnes) for single lift operation. Spreader capable to handle 20'/30'/40'/45'/2x20';
3. Rated load under the hook not less than Q = 64 (tonnes);
4. Crane powered by electricity from the power cable reel system (15 KV ± 10 %, 3 phase, 50 Hz ± 2 %);
5. Outreach from C.L. of seaside rail not less than 56 (m) (to service at least 19 wide container vessels);
6. Spreader capable to handle 20'/30'/40'/45'/2x20';
7. Maximum wheel loads for seaside rail not more than 100 (t/m) and for landside rail not more than 75 (t/m) (stow storm conditions);
8. Lift above top of seaside rail not less than 36 (m) to the lowest point of twist lock;
9. Lift below top of seaside rail not less than 14 (m);
10. Working conditions with the wind of: 8 BS, (maximum operation wind);
11. Spreader levelling control (trim/list/skew system);
12. Computer software, driver, maintenance and operating programs and any visualization programs translated into Polish (translation of actual software code is not necessary);
13. All manuals and documents connected with the object of the Order translated into Polish (technical drawings must be translated if their descriptions is made in language other than Polish.);
14. Min. operating rated speeds:
— Gantry travel speed not less than (40 m/min);
— Trolley speed not less than (180 m/min);
— Hoisting/lowering speed:
• with rated load not less than (40 m/min);
• with empty spreader not less than (110 m/min).
Termin składania ofert wynosił 2015-04-24.
Zamówienie zostało opublikowane na stronie 2015-03-12.
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