Processing cold water cooling system

Veroni Bogusław Warżel

A. Subject of the inquiry:
Processing cold water cooling system.
B. Description of the subject of the inquiry:
Basic (minimal) technical and technological parameters (requirements):
Cold water cooling system consists of:
1) Air-cooled water chiller system with parameters as below:
— quantity: 1 unit,
— cooling capacity: 600kW (netto),
— A energy efficiency class — according to Eurovent (minimum netto EER efficiency: 3.10, under Eurovent conditions),
— ESEER year-average minimum netto energy efficiency: 4.63 and minimum brutto efficiency: 4.86,
— minimum gross EER efficiency: 3.40,
— maximum admissible sound power: 97 dB(A),
— minimum two independent cooling circuits,
— refrigerant type: R134A,
— low-speed rotary-screw compressor with direct drive motor (without gearshift), with variable output control, ensuring smooth output regulation of the whole chiller ranging between 10 % and 100 % output,
— standard scope of work: -10°C — +46°C,
— chiller has to be equipped with protocol LON BMS control board,
— big enough, user-friendly touch-screen control panel.
2) Air-cooled water chiller system with parameters as below:
— quantity: 1 unit
— cooling capacity: 590kW (netto),
— A energy efficiency class — according to Eurovent (minimum netto EER efficiency: 3.23, under Eurovent conditions),
— ESEER year-average minimum netto energy efficiency: 4.11 and minimum brutto efficiency: 4.27,
— minimum gross EER efficiency: 3.54,
— maximum admissible sound power: 97 dB(A),
— minimum two independent cooling circuits,
— refrigerant type: R134A,
— low-speed rotary-screw compressor with direct drive motor (without gearshift), with variable output control, ensuring smooth output regulation of the whole chiller ranging between 10 % and 100 % output,
— standard scope of work: -10°C — +46°C,
— chiller has to be equipped with protocol LON BMS control board,
— big enough, user-friendly touch-screen control panel.
3) V-type dry cooler with parameters as below:
— quantity: 2 units
— adjusted to operate with glycol solution in ambient environment low temperatures,
— cooling capacity: 590kW (netto),
— minimum D energy efficiency class — according to Eurovent (Eurovent regulation from 2014),
— maximum admissible power consumption: 24kW,
— all fans has to comply with ErP 2015 (Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council Energy-related Products),
— dry-cooler should be equipped with fan section barriers for better efficiency,
— maximum admissible sound power: 97 dB(A),
— maximum admissible sound pressure level measured from 10m distance: 64 dB(A),
— maximum admissible exchanger pressure drop: 60kPa,
— maximum admissible operating pressure: 12 bar,
— dry-cooler has to be equipped with factory-wiring and electric cabinet with output jogging control.
4) Controlling unit integrating above-mentioned machines, its software and additional equipment (among other things hydraulic valves) necessary for connecting all above-mentioned machines to the main processing cold water supply connection for the CPP processing line. Processing cold water supply connection for the CPP processing line shall be provided by Veroni (Inquiring party). The controlling unit should include at least the following:
— electrical control cabinet,
— necessary converters (together with operational panel),
— necessary software and programmable drivers (together with appropriate lincences).
5) Warranty period: 24 months after the final take over of the machines.
C. Conditions of awarding the admission to tender procedure:
D. Order date of delivery (including installation and start-up):
No later than 15.5.2016.
E. Criteria of assessing offers (including weight points or percentage points for respective criteria of assessment):
In order for an offer to be assessed, it has to fulfil all requirements listed in point B — Description of the subject of the inquiry as well as all requirements listed in point L — Additional provisions and requirements. Each offer shall be analysed if it fulfils each particular requirement listed in points B and L. Failing to fulfil any of the requirements shall result in this offer being rejected from assessment. Another, obligatory, requirement (failing of which shall result in being rejected from proceedings) is the date of delivery of the subject of the inquiry, stipulated in point D — Order date of delivery. The only criteria of assessment is the price (for offers which fulfil requirements listed in points B, L and D). The lowest price offer for the subject of the inquiry (stipulated in point B) shall be treated as the best offer and shall win the procedure resulting in appointing the supplier of the subject of this inquiry. The price is the only criteria and makes 100 % of weight points/percentages when assessing offers. Offered price should be treated as the final price, should be given in EUR.
F. Description of awarding points for particular criteria of offer assessment:
The price is the only criteria of assessment. The lowest price offer for delivering the subject of the inquiry (stipulated in point B) shall be treated as the best offer and shall win the procedure resulting in appointing the supplier of the subject of the inquiry.
G. Deadline for submitting offers:
No later than 11.4.2016.
H. Means of submitting offers:
1) Offers can be submitted personally or by post (VERONI Bogusław Warżel, Towarzystwa Jaszczurczego 9, 87-200 Wąbrzeźno, Poland). The date of submitting the offer to VERONI is decisive.
2) Offers can be emailed to
3) The inquiring party shall notice all tenderers within 14 working days starting from the next day after the deadline for submitting offers (stipulated in point G),
4) Offers submitted after the deadline shall not be taken into consideration.
I. Contact person:
Marcin Ściesiński, e-mail: tel.: +48 609409255, tel.:+48 56 688 0039, extension (number) 19.
J. Exclusion clause:
In order to avoid any conflicts of interests, this inquiry shall not be revealed to any subjects related to VERONI Bogusław Warżel (Inquired party) personally or capitally. By personal or capital relations is it understood mutual relations between the Inquiring party or persons authorized to incurring liabilities on behalf of the Inquiring party or persons preparing and conducting procedures of choosing a supplier on behalf of the Inquiring party and the supplier, which depend particularly on:
a) being a member of a partnership,
b) holding at least 10 % of shares,
c) being a member of supervisory authority, executive board or proxy,
d) being in matrimony, lineal or collateral kinship with regards to adoption, protection and guardianship.
K. Description of change of contract terms concluded as a result of hereby procedures:
Main contract agreements concluded with chosen supplier as a result of hereby procedures shall comply with the offer, based on which, this particular supplier had been chosen.
L. Additional provisions and requirements:
1. The inquiring party reserves the right to end the procedure without choosing any offer or to cancel the procedure without giving any reason.
2. The inquiring party does not allow submitting any partial offers.
3. Offers should be prepared in Polish or English.
4. Tenderers should offer prices in EUR (including delivery, configuration and start-up).
5. Offered price should include delivery, configuration, start-up of all machines and automatic control as well as technical documentation costs,
6. Offer validity: min. 2 months.
This letter of inquiry has been posted, among others, at VERONI's website at and

Termin składania ofert wynosił 2016-04-11. Zamówienie zostało opublikowane na stronie 2016-02-25.

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Data Dokument
2016-02-25 Ogłoszenie o zamówieniu
2016-09-09 Ogłoszenie o udzieleniu zamówienia