Additional information
1. The Ordering Party does not allow the submission of partial and variant offers.
2. Questions should be directed to the following email address:
3. The bid period must be a minimum of 14 days from the date of bid submission.
4. The Ordering Party reserves the right to withdraw from the contract or cancel the procedure without giving a reason at any stage.
5. This request for quotation has been published on the website and eTendering.
6. In the course of examination and evaluation of bids, the Ordering Party may request from Bidders explanations regarding the content of submitted bids.
7. All bidders participating in the procedure will be notified of the selection of the best bid.
8. The results of the proceedings will be posted on the website Submission of an offer is tantamount to consent to the publication of the Bidder's data and the net price of the submitted offer.
9. The Ordering Party reserves the right to introduce changes to the request for proposal. Information about changes will be made available in accordance with the way the offer inquiry is made available. Every change becomes binding from the moment of providing information about it. A change in the request for proposal may result in a change in the deadline for submitting offers.
10. The bidder bears all own costs related to the preparation and submission of the offer, irrespective of the outcome of the procedure. The Ordering Party shall in no case be responsible for the costs incurred by the Bidder in connection with the preparation and submission of the offer. The Bidder undertakes not to make any demands on the Ordering Party in this respect.
Extent of exclusion
Tenderers could not be entities who are capital-related or personally-related with Ordering Party. By capital or personal connection is meant the interrelationship between the beneficiary or people authorized to incur liabilities on behalf of the beneficiary or people performing on behalf of the beneficiary activities related to the selection of the Contractor, and the Contractor, consisting in particular of:
a) participating in the company as a partner in a civil law partnership or partnership,
b) owning at least 10% of shares or stocks, if the lower threshold does not result from legal provisions or has not been specified by the Managing Authority in the program guidelines,
c) performing the function of a member of the supervisory or management body, proxy, attorney-in-fact,
d) remaining in marital relationship, or in lineal consanguinity or affinity, or in collateral consanguinity or affinity up to second degree or in the relationship due to adoption, custody or guardianship.