2020-11-10Purchase of Multifunctional Scanning Peripherals (Frontex)
The objective of this FWC is to provide Frontex with the capacity to obtain different quantities of equipment listed in technical specifications each time the need arises.
The tender is divided into two lots per type of equipment needed, as follows:
Lot 1: Fingerprint Scanner Device;
Lot 2: Combined Document and Fingerprint Scanner Device.
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2020-05-12Purchase of Multi-functional Scanning Peripherals (Frontex)
The objective of the contract is to provide Frontex with the capacity to obtain different quantities of any type of equipment, as listed below each time the need arises according to the terms and conditions described in the tender documentation.
The tender is divided into two lots per type of equipment needed, as follows:
• Lot 1: Portable Desktop or Mobile (in a Suitcase) Fingerprint Scanner Device;
• Lot 2: Portable Desktop or Mobile (in a Suitcase) Document Inspection and Fingerprint Scanner Device.
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2014-05-19Dostawa sprzętu komputerowego (Oddział Zabezpieczenia Żandarmerii Wojskowej w Warszawie)
Przedmiotem zamówienia jest dostawa sprzętu komputerowego:
Zadanie nr 1- Dostawa urządzeń informatycznych tj. pamięci przenośne, listwy zasilające, switche, blokery USB, czytniki kart, kontroler SAS, odkurzacz serwisowy do czyszczenia drukarek
Zadanie nr 2: Dostawa urządzeń informatycznych tj. dyski zewnętrzne i dyski wewnętrzne
Zadanie nr 3: Dostawa urządzeń informatycznych tj. streamer i materiały eksploatacyjne do streamera
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