Dostawca: Opticoelectron Group JSCo

4 zamówienia archiwalne

Ostatnie zamówienia, w których wymieniony jest dostawca Opticoelectron Group JSCo

2019-07-29   Framework Contract for purchase of cooled handheld thermal cameras for border surveillance (Frontex)
Purchase of cooled handheld thermal cameras for border surveillance under Framework Contract. Wyświetlenie zamówienia »
Wymienieni dostawcy: Opticoelectron Group JSCo
2019-05-21   Framework Contract for Provision of Mobile Surveillance Systems for Frontex Operational Activities (Frontex — European Border and Coast Guard Agency)
The scope of this tender is to establish a single framework contract divided into 3 lots with commercial providers for delivery of mobile surveillance systems. A single asset delivered shall include a 4-wheel-drive vehicle (a pick-up for Lot 1 and a van for Lots 2 and 3) with a system of surveillance sensors – thermal camera, day camera and surveillance radar (surveillance radar is required only for Lot 3) installed on board, as well as a communication system, including all the necessary devices and … Wyświetlenie zamówienia »
Wymienieni dostawcy: Dat-Con d.o.o. Korporacja Wschód Sp. z o.o. Opticoelectron Group JSCo Optix SA
2018-02-16   Framework Contract for the supply of handheld carbon dioxide detectors (European Border and Coast Guard Agency - Frontex)
The subject of this tender is to establish the Framework Contract for the supply of handheld carbon dioxide detectors. Wyświetlenie zamówienia »
Wymienieni dostawcy: Opticoelectron Group JSCo