Dostawca: ZRB WALKO Waldemar Ko艅ski

2 zam贸wienia archiwalne

Ostatnie zam贸wienia, w kt贸rych wymieniony jest dostawca ZRB WALKO Waldemar Ko艅ski

2018-03-21   Provision of painting services for Frontex (Frontex)
Provision of painting services for Frontex. Wy艣wietlenie zam贸wienia 禄
Wymienieni dostawcy: ZRB WALKO Waldemar Ko艅ski
2011-03-01   Provision of painting services for Frontex (European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union)
Frontex is looking for an experienced economic operator, who will provide painting services at Frontex's premises which are, at present, located in the Rondo 1 building at Rondo ONZ in Warsaw, Poland. Wy艣wietlenie zam贸wienia 禄
Wymienieni dostawcy: ZRB WALKO Waldemar Ko艅ski