The subject of the procurement is the development (on the basis of a pre-developed Concept by the Contractor of the project), a complete multi-branch design documentation, i.e. executive building permit design (technical designs with cost estimates and bill of quantities as well as technical specifications for the execution and acceptance of modernization (reconstruction)) works of the Surgical Ward of the District Hospital in Sucha Beskidzka, taking into account modern, innovative material and technological solutions, thanks to which it is possible to create a more functional, modern and aesthetic hospital ward. The documentation should be prepared in a manner and to the extent that allows for obtaining a building permit or notification without a building permit.
Termin składania ofert wynosił 2022-02-11.
Zamówienie zostało opublikowane na stronie 2022-01-05.
Następujący dostawcy są wymienieni w decyzjach o przyznaniu zamówienia lub innych dokumentach dotyczących zamówień:
Obiekt Zakres zamówienia
“Preparation of multi-branch design documentation for the Modernization of the Surgical Department
Produkty/usługi: Usługi doradcze w zakresie poawaryjnego odzyskiwania sprzętu koputerowego📦
Krótki opis:
“The subject of the procurement is the development (on the basis of a pre-developed Concept by the Contractor of the project), a complete multi-branch design...”
Krótki opis
The subject of the procurement is the development (on the basis of a pre-developed Concept by the Contractor of the project), a complete multi-branch design documentation, i.e. executive building permit design (technical designs with cost estimates and bill of quantities as well as technical specifications for the execution and acceptance of modernization (reconstruction)) works of the Surgical Ward of the District Hospital in Sucha Beskidzka, taking into account modern, innovative material and technological solutions, thanks to which it is possible to create a more functional, modern and aesthetic hospital ward. The documentation should be prepared in a manner and to the extent that allows for obtaining a building permit or notification without a building permit.
Dodatkowe produkty/usługi: Usługi architektoniczne dotyczące planowania przestrzennego i zagospodarowania terenu📦
Miejsce wykonania: Nowotarski🏙️
Główne miejsce lub miejsce wykonywania działalności: Zespół Opieki Zdrowotnej w Suchej Beskidzkiej
Opis zamówienia:
“1. The subject of the procurement is the development (on the basis of a pre-developed Concept by the Contractor of the project), a complete multi-branch...”
Opis zamówienia
1. The subject of the procurement is the development (on the basis of a pre-developed Concept by the Contractor of the project), a complete multi-branch design documentation, i.e. executive building permit design (technical designs with cost estimates and bill of quantities as well as technical specifications for the execution and acceptance of modernization (reconstruction)) works of the Surgical Ward of the District Hospital in Sucha Beskidzka, taking into account modern, innovative material and technological solutions, thanks to which it is possible to create a more functional, modern and aesthetic hospital ward. The documentation should be prepared in a manner and to the extent that allows for obtaining a building permit or notification without a building permit.
2. Obtaining maps for design purposes, required opinions, arrangements, deviations in the scope resulting from legal provisions (if such occur at the stage of preparation of the construction design)
3.Performing author's supervision during the execution of works related to the project.
The author's supervision activities must be performed by persons with design authorizations.
The designer, performing the author's supervision during the execution of works, is obliged to be present at the place of execution of works if requested by the Employer or the Investor's Supervision Inspector.
The scope of author's supervision includes in particular:
• activities resulting from art. 20 paragraph 1 point 4 of the Act of July 7, 1994 Law construction,
• making changes to the design documentation resulting from the exercise of supervision copyright,
• participation in committees and technical meetings organized by the Employer,
• participation in partial acceptance and final acceptance,
• participation in installation tests and start-ups,
• site visits at the construction site,
• consulting.
Pokaż więcej Kryteria przyznawania nagród
Cena nie jest jedynym kryterium udzielenia zamówienia, a wszystkie kryteria są określone tylko w dokumentach przetargowych
Czas trwania zamówienia, umowy ramowej lub dynamicznego systemu zakupów
Poniższe ramy czasowe wyrażone są w liczbie miesięcy.
Czas trwania: 6
Zakres zamówienia
Informacje o funduszach Unii Europejskiej:
“''Innovative hospital ward refurbishment solutions to minimise disruption, improve patient outcomes and enhance environmental sustainability" fundet by...”
Informacje o funduszach Unii Europejskiej
''Innovative hospital ward refurbishment solutions to minimise disruption, improve patient outcomes and enhance environmental sustainability" fundet by theExecutive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) by vritue of entitlements provided by the (Grant Agreement number: 857790 — EcoQUIP Pliis-COS-PP)-2018-2-01).
Informacje prawne, ekonomiczne, finansowe i techniczne Zdolności techniczne i zawodowe
Wykaz i krótki opis kryteriów wyboru:
“1) The contractor must demonstrate at least two services consisting in the development of project documentation (construction design and detailed design,...”
Wykaz i krótki opis kryteriów wyboru
1) The contractor must demonstrate at least two services consisting in the development of project documentation (construction design and detailed design, for each service, worth at least PLN 100,000.00
2) The Contractor must demonstrate the possession of persons with the right to design in the following specialization without restrictions or the corresponding building qualifications issued on the basis of the previously applicable provisions of law (In the case of Contractors jointly applying for the contract, e.g. a Consortium, the above condition must be met by at least one from Contractors applying jointly for the award of the contract, e.g. a member of the Consortium)
• at least one person authorized to design in the architectural specialty without restrictions;
• at least one person with unlimited design qualifications in the construction and building specialty;
• at least one person authorized to design in the installation specialization in the field of heating, ventilation, gas, water and sewage networks, installations and devices without restrictions;
• at least one person authorized to design in the installation specialization in the field of electrical and power networks, installations and devices without restrictions;
along with an entry in the chamber of architects, engineers, with min. 10 years of professional experience in designing for the health service.
3) The contractor must provide a Project Coordinator with min. 10 years of professional experience in designing for the health service.
The contracting authority allows the functions to be combined in terms of the requirements with point.
Pokaż więcej Warunki związane z umową
Warunki realizacji zamówienia: According to the draft agreement, Annex 3 to the SWZ
Procedura Rodzaj procedury
Procedura otwarta
Informacje administracyjne
Termin składania ofert lub wniosków o dopuszczenie do udziału w postępowaniu: 2022-02-11
10:00 📅
Języki, w których można składać oferty lub wnioski o dopuszczenie do udziału w postępowaniu: polski 🗣️
Oferta musi być ważna do dnia: 2022-03-11 📅
Warunki otwarcia ofert: 2022-02-11
11:00 📅
Informacje uzupełniające Informacje dodatkowe
“In this procedure, communication with the contracting authority takes place via the electronic communication channel:...”
In this procedure, communication with the contracting authority takes place via the electronic communication channel:
Grounds for excluding a contractor (subject to Article 110 (2) of the Act) Art. 108 sec. 1 items 1-6 of the Act.
List of declarations and documents confirming the lack of grounds for exclusion and meeting the conditions for participation in the procedure:
1. Declaration in the scope indicated in Annex 2 to the SWZ.
2. A list of services performed, and in the case of repeated or continuous services also performed, in the last 3 years, and if the period of business activity is shorter - in this period, together with their value, subject, dates of performance and entities for which the services have been performed, and the attachment of evidence specifying whether these services have been performed or are being performed properly, the evidence in question being references or other documents drawn up by the entity for which the services were performed, and in the case of repeated or continuous services are performed, and if the Contractor is not able to obtain these documents for reasons beyond his control - contractor's declaration, in the case of repeated or continuous services still performed, references or other documents confirming their proper performance should be issued within the last 3 months - for confirmation the condition referred to in Chapter VI point 3 d;
3. List of persons directed by the Contractor to perform the public procurement, along with information on their professional qualifications, powers, experience necessary to perform the public procurement, as well as the scope of activities performed by them, along with information on the basis for the disposal of these persons - on confirmation of the condition referred to in Chapter VI point 3d.
The contracting authority does not provide for the award of contracts referred to in Art. 214 paragraph. 1 point 7 and 8 of the Act.
Due to the limited number of marks that can be entered, all other requirements and information are included in the proceedings documents.
Pokaż więcej Organ kontrolny
Nazwa: Krajowa Izba Odwoławcza
Adres pocztowy: ul. Postepu 17a
Miasto pocztowe: Warszawa
Kod pocztowy: 02-676
Kraj: Polska 🇵🇱
Telefon: +48 224587707📞
Fax: +48 224587800 📠
URL:🌏 Procedura przeglądu
Dokładne informacje na temat terminu (terminów) procedur odwoławczych:
“The appeal shall be lodged within 10 days from the date of sending the information on the contracting authority's action constituting the basis for its...”
Dokładne informacje na temat terminu (terminów) procedur odwoławczych
The appeal shall be lodged within 10 days from the date of sending the information on the contracting authority's action constituting the basis for its submission - if the information was sent using electronic means of communication, or within 15 days if it was sent in a different way. 2. The appeal against the content of the notice initiating the contract award procedure or the content of the procurement documents shall be lodged within 10 days from the date of publication of the notice in the DUUE or placing the procurement documents on the website. 3. Appeal against activities other than in point 1 and 2 shall be submitted within 10 days from the date on which it was possible to obtain or with due diligence it was possible to learn about the circumstances constituting the basis for its submission. 4. If the Ordering Party has not published an announcement of the intention to conclude a contract or, despite such an obligation, has not sent the contractor a notification about the selection of the best offer, the appeal shall be lodged no later than within 30 days from the date of publication of the announcement on the result of the procedure in the EUSU and 6 months from the date of concluding the contract, if the contracting authority has not published a contract award notice in the EUSU.
Pokaż więcej Służba, od której można uzyskać informacje o procedurze odwoławczej
Nazwa: Urząd zamówień Publicznych Departament Odwołań
Adres pocztowy: ul. Postepu 17a
Miasto pocztowe: Warszawa
Kod pocztowy: 02-676
Kraj: Polska 🇵🇱
Źródło: OJS 2022/S 006-011784 (2022-01-05)
Dodatkowe informacje (2022-02-11)
Informacje uzupełniające Numer referencyjny ogłoszenia pierwotnego
Numer ogłoszenia w Dz.U. S: 2022/S 006-011784
Zmiany Tekst, który należy poprawić w pierwotnym ogłoszeniu
Numer sekcji: II.1.2
Stara wartość
Tekst: 72120000
Nowa wartość
Tekst: 71220000
Tekst, który należy poprawić w pierwotnym ogłoszeniu
Numer sekcji: IV.2.2
Stara wartość
Data: 2022-02-11 📅
Czas: 10:00
Nowa wartość
Data: 2022-02-17 📅
Czas: 10:00
Tekst, który należy poprawić w pierwotnym ogłoszeniu
Numer sekcji: IV.2.6
Stara wartość
Data: 2022-03-11 📅
Nowa wartość
Data: 2022-03-18 📅
Tekst, który należy poprawić w pierwotnym ogłoszeniu
Numer sekcji: IV.2.7
Stara wartość
Data: 2022-02-11 📅
Czas: 11:00
Nowa wartość
Data: 2022-02-17 📅
Czas: 11:00
Źródło: OJS 2022/S 033-085627 (2022-02-11)
Ogłoszenie o udzieleniu zamówienia (2022-02-28) Obiekt Zakres zamówienia
Produkty/usługi: Usługi projektowania architektonicznego📦
Całkowita wartość zamówienia (bez VAT): PLN 130 000 💰
Kryteria przyznawania nagród
Kryterium jakości (nazwa): Inventory
Kryterium jakości (waga): 10
Kryterium jakości (nazwa): Organization of the team designated to perform the contract
Kryterium jakości (nazwa): Proposed innovative solutions in the project
Kryterium jakości (waga): 20
Cena (waga): 60
Procedura Informacje administracyjne
Poprzednia publikacja dotycząca tej procedury: 2022/S 006-011784
Udzielenie zamówienia
“Preparation of multi-branch design documentation for the Modernization of the Surgical Department”
Data zawarcia umowy: 2022-02-28 📅
Informacje o przetargach
Liczba otrzymanych ofert: 1
Liczba ofert otrzymanych od MŚP: 1
Liczba ofert otrzymanych drogą elektroniczną: 1
Nazwa i adres wykonawcy
Nazwa: MaUHAUS Pracownia Projektowa arch. Marzena Ulak - Opalska
Adres pocztowy: Jesionowa 11/5
Miasto pocztowe: Kraków
Kod pocztowy: 30-221
Kraj: Polska 🇵🇱
Region: Miasto Kraków🏙️
Wykonawca jest małym lub średnim przedsiębiorcą ✅ Informacja o wartości zamówienia/działki (bez VAT)
Szacunkowa całkowita wartość zamówienia/działki: PLN 100 000 💰
Całkowita wartość umowy/działki: PLN 130 000 💰
Źródło: OJS 2022/S 045-116437 (2022-02-28)