Zamówienia: Podliaskie Voivodeship

3 zamówienia archiwalne

Ostatnie zamówienia dokonane przez Podliaskie Voivodeship

2015-08-28   ‘Construction and instrumentation of the road border checkpoint “Peschatka” — Stage III (Belarusian-Polish border) —... (Podliaskie Voivodeship)
In frames of the project it is planned to supply customs mobile laboratory for the road border checkpoint ‘Peschatka’, including trainings and aftersales service. Terms of delivery — DDP. The expected period of implementation is 70 (seventy) days. The laboratory shall be on the basis of Motor vehicle (chassis) and include (among other equipment): Survey dosimeters Detectors of explosives and narcotics Balance Alcohol gage set Microscope Videospectral comparator Device for gemstones identification. Wyświetlenie zamówienia »
2013-10-01   Construction of the relocatable x-ray scanning control system of vehicles at the road checkpoint 'Bruzgi' (Podliaskie Voivodeship)
Within the project it is assumed to deliver an X-ray scanning control system including equipment and protective buildings to place an X-ray scanning equipment and for the personnel, at the road border checkpoint 'Bruzgi' of Grodno Regional Custom House. Turnkey erecting of an X-ray scanning system and the introduction of a non-intrusive inspection technology are foreseen by the project; it includes the following elements: The delivery of an X-ray scanning control system of vehicles and of other equipment … Wyświetlenie zamówienia »
2012-09-13   “Construction and instrumentation of the road border checkpoint “Peschatka” - Stage III (Belarusian-Polish border) -... (Podliaskie Voivodeship)
The project provides for construction and instrumentation of the road border checkpoint “Peschatka” of Brest Custom House. Construction of one border crossing complex is foreseen by the project. Wyświetlenie zamówienia »