Design, construction and start-up of a flue gas desulfurization wastewater treatment plant (FGD WWTP) in power plant located in Rybnik, Poland
Design, studies, purchasing, fabrication, transport, erection, tests and commissioning of waste water treatment plant for treating effluents of wet limestone desulfurization installations at EDF Polska S.A. Oddział w Rybniku, ul. Podmiejska, 44-207 Rybnik.
Detailed description of the object of the Works will be included in the Technical Specification, constituting a part of Terms of Reference, which will be released to the Economic Operators invited to participate in the tendering procedure.
Termin składania ofert wynosił 2013-10-17.
Zamówienie zostało opublikowane na stronie 2013-09-20.
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