Design, construction, start-up and take-over of the non-catalytic de-nitrification system (SNCR) for EDF Polska S.A. at Rybnik Plant

EDF Polska S.A.

The object of contract is design, construction, start-up and take-over of a selective non-catalytic de-nitrification system (SNCR) for boilers OP-650k in EDF Polska S.A. at Rybnik Plant,. The new system will achieve reduction of nitrogen oxides form the current level 300-350 mg/m3 (define as a sum of nitrogen oxides in terms of NO2 at 6 % of oxide content in dry flue gas) to the level < 200 mg/m3 (define as a sum of nitrogen oxides in terms of NO2 at 6 % of oxide content in dry flue gas) during burning coal with or without biomass.

Termin składania ofert wynosił 2014-06-12. Zamówienie zostało opublikowane na stronie 2014-05-13.

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Data Dokument
2014-05-13 Ogłoszenie o zamówieniu
2014-06-09 Dodatkowe informacje
2015-05-08 Ogłoszenie o udzieleniu zamówienia