Design manufacturing and installation of primary measures and SNCR systems on 2 BC-50 boilers at EDF Polska S.A. branch Wybrzeże — CHP plant in Gdynia

EDF Polska S.A.

Design, studies, purchasing fabrication, transport, erection, tests and commissioning of low-NOx burners and SNCR systems on 2 BC-50 boilers units installed in Gdynia CHP plant.
Detailed description of the object of the Works will be included in the Contract template, Technical Specification, constituting part of Terms of Reference, which will be released to the Economic Operators invited to participate in the tendering procedure.

Termin składania ofert wynosił 2015-04-03. Zamówienie zostało opublikowane na stronie 2015-03-14.

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Historia zamówień
Data Dokument
2015-03-14 Ogłoszenie o zamówieniu
2015-03-31 Dodatkowe informacje
2016-01-08 Ogłoszenie o udzieleniu zamówienia