The subject-matter of the Contract consists in EPC (Engineering, procurement & construction) contract for the project involving the construction of the onshore OWF Baltica-2 Connection and OWF Baltica-3 Connection, which are necessary for power evacuation from the two offshore wind farms OWF Baltica-2 and OWF Baltica-3 with a generating capacity of 1498 MW and 1045.5 MW, respectively. The Contractor shall be required to deliver the subject-matter of the contract in EPC formula.
Termin składania ofert wynosił 2022-04-26.
Zamówienie zostało opublikowane na stronie 2022-03-21.
Ogłoszenie o zamówieniu (2022-03-21) Instytucja zamawiająca Nazwa i adresy
Nazwa: Elektrownia Wiatrowa Baltica 2 sp. z o.o.
Krajowy numer rejestracyjny: 5272664722
Adres pocztowy: ul. Mokotowska 49
Miasto pocztowe: Warszawa
Kod pocztowy: 01-542
Kraj: Polska 🇵🇱
Osoba kontaktowa: Piotr Gowik
Region: Miasto Warszawa🏙️
Adres profilu nabywcy:🌏
Instytucja zamawiająca (dodatkowa)
Nazwa: Elektrownia Wiatrowa Baltica 3 sp. z o.o.
Krajowy numer rejestracyjny: 5272664739
Adres pocztowy: ul. Mokotowska 49
Miasto pocztowe: Warszawa
Osoba kontaktowa: Piotr Gowik
Adres profilu nabywcy:🌏
Instytucja zamawiająca Informacja o wspólnych zamówieniach
Umowa obejmuje wspólne zamówienia
Dokumenty URL:🌏
Adres URL uczestnictwa:🌏
Obiekt Zakres zamówienia
“EPC contract for the onshore connection (line and substation part) for OWF Baltica-2 and OWF Baltica -3 Lot 1 and Lot 2
Produkty/usługi: Roboty inżynieryjne i budowlane📦
Krótki opis:
“The subject-matter of the Contract consists in EPC (Engineering, procurement & construction) contract for the project involving the construction of the...”
Krótki opis
The subject-matter of the Contract consists in EPC (Engineering, procurement & construction) contract for the project involving the construction of the onshore OWF Baltica-2 Connection and OWF Baltica-3 Connection, which are necessary for power evacuation from the two offshore wind farms OWF Baltica-2 and OWF Baltica-3 with a generating capacity of 1498 MW and 1045.5 MW, respectively. The Contractor shall be required to deliver the subject-matter of the contract in EPC formula.
Pokaż więcej Informacje o działkach
Oferty mogą być składane na wszystkie części
Maksymalna liczba partii, która może zostać przyznana jednemu oferentowi: 2
Zakres zamówienia
Zamawiający zastrzega sobie prawo do udzielania zamówień łączących następujące części lub grupy części:
“The subject of the contract is divided into two lots. The Contractor, by submitting an application, and then the offer, is obliged to apply for both lots at...”
Zamawiający zastrzega sobie prawo do udzielania zamówień łączących następujące części lub grupy części
The subject of the contract is divided into two lots. The Contractor, by submitting an application, and then the offer, is obliged to apply for both lots at the same time - the Contractor may not submit an application or a tender for only 1 lot. The Ordering Party will select the same Contractor for both lots and sign 2 contracts with the selected Contractor - one contract for each lot.
1️⃣ Zakres zamówienia
“EPC contract for the onshore connection (line and substation part) for OWF Baltica-2 and OWF Baltica -3 Lot 1 and Lot 2 - Lot 1 - OWF Baltica 2” Tytuł
Numer identyfikacyjny działki: 1
Dodatkowe produkty/usługi: Linie energetyczne📦
Dodatkowe produkty/usługi: Roboty budowlane w zakresie budowy linii energetycznych📦
Dodatkowe produkty/usługi: Podstacje transformatorowe📦
Dodatkowe produkty/usługi: Usługi inżynieryjne w zakresie projektowania📦
Dodatkowe produkty/usługi: Transformatory📦
Miejsce wykonania: Pomorskie🏙️
Opis zamówienia:
“The subject-matter of the Contract consists in EPC (Engineering, procurement & construction) contract for the project involving the construction of the...”
Opis zamówienia
The subject-matter of the Contract consists in EPC (Engineering, procurement & construction) contract for the project involving the construction of the onshore OWF Baltica-2 Connection and OWF Baltica-3 Connection, which are necessary for power evacuation from the two offshore wind farms OWF Baltica-2 and OWF Baltica-3 with a generating capacity of 1498 MW and 1045.5 MW, respectively. The Lot 1 concerns the OWF Baltica 2.
The Contractor shall be required to deliver the subject-matter of the contract in EPC formula.
Pokaż więcej Kryteria przyznawania nagród
Cena nie jest jedynym kryterium udzielenia zamówienia, a wszystkie kryteria są określone tylko w dokumentach przetargowych
Czas trwania zamówienia, umowy ramowej lub dynamicznego systemu zakupów
Poniższe ramy czasowe wyrażone są w liczbie miesięcy.
Czas trwania: 64
Informacja o ograniczeniach liczby zapraszanych kandydatów
Przewidywana minimalna liczba: 1
Maksymalna liczba: 5
Obiektywne kryteria wyboru ograniczonej liczby kandydatów:
“1. The Ordering Party will invite to the competitive dialogue Contractors who are not excluded from the Procedure and meet the conditions of participation...”
Obiektywne kryteria wyboru ograniczonej liczby kandydatów
1. The Ordering Party will invite to the competitive dialogue Contractors who are not excluded from the Procedure and meet the conditions of participation in the Procedure for both parts of the Order in the number of 5 (say five) Contractors. The minimum number of invited contractors is 1. In the case of less than 2, the Ordering Party may cancel the procedure.
2.If the number of Contractors who meet the conditions for participation in the Procedure is greater than 5 (say: five), the Ordering Party will invite to the competitive dialogue Contractors who meet the selection criteria and will receive the most points for these criteria in accordance with the description of the criteria in point 4 below.
3.If the number of Contractors who meet the conditions for participation in the Procedure is less than or equal to 5, all Contractors who meet the conditions for participation in the Procedure will be invited to the dialogue.
4.Selection Criteria:
1)The Contracting Authority shall award 1 point for every 3 bays of at least 220 kV, constructed or modified as part of a single construction work on alternating current Gas Insulated Switchgears (GIS) or Air Insulated Switchgears (AIS) in the ENTSO-E Continental Europe synchronous area transmission network – other than that specified as part of the works listed to demonstrate compliance with the condition for participation described in Section para. 1 of the DNR – complete during the period of the last 10 years before the deadline for the submission of Requests to participate in the Procedure, and where the period of business activity is shorter – during that period. The construction or modification (upgrading) of a bay in an alternating current GIS or AIS switchgear will be considered to consist in the installation of fully-equipped circuit-breaker bays and automation, protection, control and telecommunications systems. The scope of work shall also include bay commissioning understood as obtaining a positive result of a voltage and load test that allows it to be put into operation. If there are more than 3 bays in one listed construction work, the Contractor shall be awarded 1/3 of a point for each additional bay. In order to be awarded points, the Contractor may list more than one construction work in which it has built at least 3 bays.
2) The Contractor shall award 1 point for each construction work duly completed during the last 10 years before the deadline for the submission of Requests in the Procedure, and where the period of business activity is shorter – during that period, involving the construction of an alternating current 220 kV or higher voltage cable line in the ENTSO-E Continental Europe synchronous area transmission network.
5. In the event that Contractors are awarded the same number of points for a selection criterion, the Contracting Authority shall take into account, when drawing up the ranking list, the amount of average annual turnover stated in Section of the DNR, admitting to the dialogue Contractors with a higher average turnover, ranked from the highest to the lowest turnover. A Contractor with a higher average annual turnover will be ranked higher on the list.
Pokaż więcej Informacje o opcjach
Opcje ✅
Opis opcji:
“1. The contracting authority provides for the possibility of exercising the right of option. The options are described in section 9.2 of the Description of...”
Opis opcji
1. The contracting authority provides for the possibility of exercising the right of option. The options are described in section 9.2 of the Description of needs and requirements.
2. The Ordering Party may, but does not have to, use the Option.
3. The Contractor is not entitled to claim the performance of an order covered by the Option.
2️⃣ Zakres zamówienia
“EPC contract for the onshore connection (line and substation part) for OWF Baltica-2 and OWF Baltica -3 Lot 1 and Lot 2 - Lot 2 - OWF Baltica 3” Tytuł
Numer identyfikacyjny działki: 2
Opis zamówienia:
“The subject-matter of the Contract consists in EPC (Engineering, procurement & construction) contract for the project involving the construction of the...”
Opis zamówienia
The subject-matter of the Contract consists in EPC (Engineering, procurement & construction) contract for the project involving the construction of the onshore OWF Baltica-2 Connection and OWF Baltica-3 Connection, which are necessary for power evacuation from the two offshore wind farms OWF Baltica-2 and OWF Baltica-3 with a generating capacity of 1498 MW and 1045.5 MW, respectively. The Lot 2 concerns the OWF Baltica 3.
The Contractor shall be required to deliver the subject-matter of the contract in EPC formula.
Informacje prawne, ekonomiczne, finansowe i techniczne Warunki uczestnictwa
Wykaz i krótki opis warunków:
“1. Contractors who:
1) are not subject to exclusion in accordance with point 12.2 of the Description of needs and requirements;
2) meet the conditions for...”
Wykaz i krótki opis warunków
1. Contractors who:
1) are not subject to exclusion in accordance with point 12.2 of the Description of needs and requirements;
2) meet the conditions for participation in the procedure in accordance with item 12.7 of the Description of needs and requirements can participate in the proccedure
The conditions for participation for both Lots of the contract are the same and should be met for both Lots of the contract jointly.
2. Contractors who have no grounds for exclusion from the procedure on the basis of the Code of Conduct constituting Annex 5 to the Rules of Tender Procedure by EWB-2 and EWB-3 may participate in the Procedure.
3. In order to confirm that there are no grounds for excluding the Contractor from the procedure referred to in sec. 2, the Ordering Party calls on the contractors to submit, together with the application, through the SWPP2 procurement system, the following subjective means of proof, valid as of the date of their submission: A declaration of compliance with the conditions for participation specified in the Code of Conduct for the the EWB-2 and for the EWB-3 Tender Regulations.
4. In the event of a joint application for the award of the contract by two or more Contractors, the documents referred to in para. 2 is submitted by each contractor separately.
5. If the contractor relies on the abilities or situation of other entitiess (third parties), the documents referred to in para. 2 consists of each contractor and entity providing resources separately.
Pokaż więcej Sytuacja gospodarcza i finansowa
Wykaz i krótki opis kryteriów wyboru:
“The conditions for participation and the manner of their fulfillment have been specified in the procurement documents, in particular in points 12 and 14 of...”
Wykaz i krótki opis kryteriów wyboru
The conditions for participation and the manner of their fulfillment have been specified in the procurement documents, in particular in points 12 and 14 of the DNR. If the contractor relies on the abilities or situation of other entitiess (third parties) the use of this abilities is specified in detail in point 13 of the DNR. The conditions for participation for both lots of the contract are the same and should be met for both Lots of the contract jointly
Pokaż więcej Zdolności techniczne i zawodowe
Wykaz i krótki opis kryteriów wyboru:
“The conditions for participation and the manner of their fulfillment have been specified in the procurement documents, in particular in points 12 and 14 of...”
Wykaz i krótki opis kryteriów wyboru
The conditions for participation and the manner of their fulfillment have been specified in the procurement documents, in particular in points 12 and 14 of the DNR. If the contractor relies on the abilities or situation of other entitiess (third parties) the use of this abilities is specified in detail in point 13 of the DNR. The conditions for participation for both lots of the contract are the same and should be met for both Lots of the contract jointly.
Pokaż więcej Warunki uczestnictwa
Wykaz i krótki opis zasad i kryteriów:
“Assessment of meeting the conditions for participation in the Proceedings and assessment of the lack of grounds for exclusion from participation in the...”
Wykaz i krótki opis zasad i kryteriów
Assessment of meeting the conditions for participation in the Proceedings and assessment of the lack of grounds for exclusion from participation in the Proceedings will be made according to the formula “meets – does not meet”, based on the information contained in the documents and statements required by the Ordering Party and set out in point 14 of the DNR. The content of the attached documents and statements must show clearly that the Contractor meets the above-mentioned conditions.
Pokaż więcej
Wymagane depozyty i gwarancje:
“1.The Ordering Party at the stage of submitting bids in the procedure requires a bid bond in the amount of PLN 10.00.000,00 together for both Lots
Wymagane depozyty i gwarancje
1.The Ordering Party at the stage of submitting bids in the procedure requires a bid bond in the amount of PLN 10.00.000,00 together for both Lots
2.The Ordering Party requires that a Contractor whose Offer will be selected, provides a security for the proper performance of the Agreement for both Lots separately, in the amount of 5 (five) % of the total remuneration (gross) of each Lot due to the Contractor under the Agreement.
Pokaż więcej
Główne warunki finansowania i ustalenia dotyczące płatności i/lub odniesienie do odpowiednich przepisów regulujących je:
“1. The financial and payment conditions for each Lot will be specified in the draft terms of the contract.
2. The final version of the procurement documents...”
Główne warunki finansowania i ustalenia dotyczące płatności i/lub odniesienie do odpowiednich przepisów regulujących je
1. The financial and payment conditions for each Lot will be specified in the draft terms of the contract.
2. The final version of the procurement documents for each lot will be prepared after the dialogue with the contractors.
Pokaż więcej
Forma prawna, jaką musi przyjąć grupa wykonawców, którym zostanie udzielone zamówienie:
“1. Contractors jointly applying for the Procurement:
a) are jointly and severally liable for the non-performance or improper performance of the Procurement,...”
Forma prawna, jaką musi przyjąć grupa wykonawców, którym zostanie udzielone zamówienie
1. Contractors jointly applying for the Procurement:
a) are jointly and severally liable for the non-performance or improper performance of the Procurement, as well as for providing a security on due performance of the Agreement;
b) must appoint a representative to represent them in the Proceedings or to represent them in the Proceedings and to conclude the Agreement regarding this Procurement,this fact must result from the documents – all correspondence will be conducted solely and exclusively with the representative;
c) the power of attorney shall clearly indicate which of the Proceedings it applies to, the all Contractors jointly applying for the Proceedings, the details of the representative, as well as the actions that the representative may perform in the Proceedings;
d) before the conclusion of the Agreement, if a Consortium Offer is chosen as the most advantageous, the Ordering Party may request the submission of the agreement regulating the cooperation of these Contractors.
Pokaż więcej Warunki związane z umową
Warunki realizacji zamówienia:
“1. The terms of the contract performance for each Lot will be specified in the draft contract provisions.
2. The dialogue conducted is confidential and may...”
Warunki realizacji zamówienia
1. The terms of the contract performance for each Lot will be specified in the draft contract provisions.
2. The dialogue conducted is confidential and may relate to all aspects of the contract.
Procedura Rodzaj procedury
Dialog konkurencyjny
Informacje administracyjne
Termin składania ofert lub wniosków o dopuszczenie do udziału w postępowaniu: 2022-04-26
14:00 📅
Przewidywana data wysłania zaproszeń do składania ofert lub do udziału wybranym kandydatom: 2022-09-23 📅
Języki, w których można składać oferty lub wnioski o dopuszczenie do udziału w postępowaniu: angielski 🗣️
Języki, w których można składać oferty lub wnioski o dopuszczenie do udziału w postępowaniu: polski 🗣️
Poniższe ramy czasowe wyrażone są w liczbie miesięcy.
Minimalne ramy czasowe, w których oferent musi utrzymać ofertę: 3
Informacje uzupełniające Informacje o elektronicznych przepływach pracy
Akceptowane będzie fakturowanie elektroniczne
Stosowana będzie płatność elektroniczna
Informacje dodatkowe
“1. The procedure is conducted pursuant to the Regulation of tender procedures by EWB-2 and EWB-3 and the "Utility Directive" 2014/25 / EU
2. The criteria...”
1. The procedure is conducted pursuant to the Regulation of tender procedures by EWB-2 and EWB-3 and the "Utility Directive" 2014/25 / EU
2. The criteria for evaluating tenders with their qualification from the most important to the least important are indicated in the DNR. Detailed information on the tender evaluation criteria will be indicated in the invitation to tender.
3. The application should be prepared in accordance with the template attached as Appendix 3 to the description of needs and requirements.
4. The contractor should attach to the Application at least the documents indicated in point 17 of the DNR
5. The application and documents are required to be signed with a qualified electronic signature by the person or persons authorized to represent the Contractor.
6.If the authorization of the signatory does not arise directly from the document attached to the application confirming the contractor's legal status, the application should be accompanied by a power of attorney in electronic form or its digital representation of the paper version (scan) with a qualified electronic signature by the person granting the power of attorney or a notary public.
7. The Ordering Party will open applications in the SWPP2 system without the participation of contractors.
8.The proceedings are conducted via the SWPP2 Procurement System at ( The description of the needs and requirements (with attachments) referred to in this announcement is available in the SWPP2 system.
9. To submit an application in the procedure, the contractor is required to register in the SWPP2 system available at ( SWPP2 system integrated with the One Place platform of Otwarty Rynek Elektroniczny S.A. The organizer of the procedure informs that when contractors log into the system for the first time, it is necessary to go through the registration path to the One Place suppliers zone. All interested in participating in the procurement procedure, please register without undue delay because the contractor's verification process may take up to 3 days - details on registration and submission of the application can be found in point 25 of the Description of needs and requirements.
10. Protection of personal data: pursuant to Art. 13 sec. 1-2 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46 / EC, the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter "GDPR"), we would like to inform you that:
a) the administrator of your personal data is: EWB 2 and EWB 3 sp. z o.o. with headquarters in Warsaw and PGE Baltica sp.z o.o., 00-542 Warsaw, ul. Mokotowska 49;
b) regarding the protection of personal data, you can contact the personal data protection inspectors appointed in the above-mentioned companies, at the registered office of the company indicated above or at e-mail addresses.
11.Specification in section IV.2.6 of the notice - the minimum period during which the contractor will be bound by the offer - 90 days from the date of submission of the offer, a specific date will be given with the invitation to submit offers (in the procurement documents) as it depends on the date of submission of tenders.
12. The Ordering Party does not reserve the obligation to personally perform key parts of the order.
13. The contracting authority provides for one stage of dialogue with contractors, including up to five meetings with each of the contractors.
Pokaż więcej Organ kontrolny
Nazwa: International Chamber of Commerce Poland
Adres pocztowy: Leona Kruczkowskiego 8
Miasto pocztowe: Warszawa
Kod pocztowy: 00-380
Kraj: Polska 🇵🇱
Telefon: +48 224868109📞
Fax: +48 224587800 📠
URL:🌏 Procedura przeglądu
Dokładne informacje na temat terminu (terminów) procedur odwoławczych:
“All disputes involving applicants and tenderers arising out of or in connection with the Decisions made by the Ordering Parties during the tender procedure...”
Dokładne informacje na temat terminu (terminów) procedur odwoławczych
All disputes involving applicants and tenderers arising out of or in connection with the Decisions made by the Ordering Parties during the tender procedure shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (“Rules”) without recourse to the ordinary courts of law. The Rules are included as Appendix 6 to the Regulation of tender procedures by EWB-2 and EWB-3.
Pokaż więcej Służba, od której można uzyskać informacje o procedurze odwoławczej
Nazwa: International Chamber of Commerce Poland
Adres pocztowy: Leona Kruczkowskiego 8
Miasto pocztowe: Warszawa
Kod pocztowy: 00-380
Kraj: Polska 🇵🇱
Telefon: +48 224868109📞
Fax: +48 224587800 📠
Źródło: OJS 2022/S 060-158514 (2022-03-21)
Dodatkowe informacje (2022-04-13)
Informacje uzupełniające Numer referencyjny ogłoszenia pierwotnego
Numer ogłoszenia w Dz.U. S: 2022/S 060-158514
Zmiany Tekst, który należy poprawić w pierwotnym ogłoszeniu
Numer sekcji: IV.2.2
Numer identyfikacyjny działki: Lot 1 and Lot 2
Miejsce tekstu, który ma być zmieniony: Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Stara wartość
Data: 2022-04-26 📅
Czas: 14:00
Nowa wartość
Data: 2022-05-06 📅
Czas: 15:00
Źródło: OJS 2022/S 075-205140 (2022-04-13)
Dodatkowe informacje (2022-04-21)
Zmiany Tekst, który należy poprawić w pierwotnym ogłoszeniu
Numer sekcji: IV.2.2
Numer identyfikacyjny działki: Lot 1 and Lot 2
Miejsce tekstu, który ma być zmieniony: Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Stara wartość
Data: 2022-05-06 📅
Czas: 15:00
Nowa wartość
Data: 2022-05-13 📅
Czas: 15:00
Źródło: OJS 2022/S 081-219568 (2022-04-21)
Dodatkowe informacje (2022-05-06)
Zmiany Tekst, który należy poprawić w pierwotnym ogłoszeniu
Numer sekcji: IV.2.2
Numer identyfikacyjny działki: Lot 1 and Lot 2
Miejsce tekstu, który ma być zmieniony: Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Stara wartość
Data: 2022-05-13 📅
Czas: 15:00
Nowa wartość
Data: 2022-05-27 📅
Czas: 15:00
Źródło: OJS 2022/S 091-251726 (2022-05-06)
Ogłoszenie o udzieleniu zamówienia (2023-07-10) Obiekt Informacje o działkach
Niniejsze zamówienie podzielone jest na części ✅
Procedura Informacje administracyjne
Poprzednia publikacja dotycząca tej procedury: 2022/S 060-158514
Udzielenie zamówienia
Numer umowy: 1
Numer identyfikacyjny działki: 1
“EPC contract for the onshore connection (line and substation part) for OWF Baltica-2 and OWF Baltica -3 Lot 1 and Lot 2 - Lot 1 - OWF Baltica 2” Informacja o nie przyznaniu dotacji
Nie otrzymano żadnych ofert ani wniosków o dopuszczenie do udziału w postępowaniu lub wszystkie zostały odrzucone
Numer umowy: 2
Numer identyfikacyjny działki: 2
“EPC contract for the onshore connection (line and substation part) for OWF Baltica-2 and OWF Baltica -3 Lot 1 and Lot 2 - Lot 2 - OWF Baltica 3”
Informacje uzupełniające Informacje dodatkowe
“The procedure is conducted pursuant to the Regulation of tender procedures by EWB-2 and EWB-3 and the "Utility Directive" 2014/25 / EU”
Źródło: OJS 2023/S 134-424548 (2023-07-10)