2012-09-06Provision of raster nautical charts (Frontex)
The procurement of a set of raster nautical charts (RNCs) including the metadata covering the Mediterranean Sea area. It is to be used as a base map service provided by the ArcGIS server. RNC should contain a set of image files, which are a digital raster version of official paper charts (to be delivered in S-61 standard).
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2011-06-03Provision of language courses for Frontex staff (Frontex)
The aim of this call for tenders is the selection of an experienced service provider to organise language courses for Frontex staff.
The objective of the courses is to improve the language skills of Frontex staff members and to prepare them to take part in internationally recognised language exams, if required. The programme of the courses during the semesters should be planned and prepared with a view to allowing participants to reach at least level B2 of the Council of Europe's Common European …
Wyświetlenie zamówienia » Wymienieni dostawcy:Fundacja Nauki Języków Obcych Linguae MundiPoliglota Sp. z o.o.
2011-05-18Supplementary clerical and interim services (Frontex)
The overall objective of this contract is to provide Frontex with the necessary interim personnel in a timely manner and in line with the job profiles requested. Frontex will conclude an agreement with a professional and experienced temporary staffing services provider in order to ensure high-quality interim services to the agency according to the tender specifications.
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2011-04-19Study on cost benefit analysis model to support stakeholders in decision making (Frontex)
The purpose of this study is to carry out the analysis needed towards the development of a generic CBA model that can support stakeholders in decision making, by understanding the cost-effectiveness impact of a border security project or any proposed change on existing ones, thus reducing risk and maximising the yield of scarce resources.
Wyświetlenie zamówienia » Wymienieni dostawcy:Blusky
2011-03-31Provision of IT courses for Frontex staff (Frontex)
The aim of this call for tenders is the selection of a service provider to organise IT training courses for Frontex staff. The objective of these courses is to improve IT skills of Frontex staff.
The tenderer should organise the following MS Office 2007 courses for Frontex staff:
MS Excel training (intermediate and advanced level);
MS Word training (intermediate and advanced level);
MS PowerPoint training (intermediate and advanced level);
MS Project training (intermediate and advanced level);
MS Visio …
Wyświetlenie zamówienia » Wymienieni dostawcy:Comp S.A.
2011-02-17Study on anti-corruption measures in EU border control (Frontex)
The objectives of the study are as follows:
a) to provide a review of scientific knowledge on the causes and manifestations of corruption;
b) to review and analyse mechanisms of corruption in the public security sector and the principal anti-corruption measures targeting them;
c) to review and comparatively analyse the anti-corruption measures in place in EU MSs border guard services and provide recommendations and best practice guidelines.
Wyświetlenie zamówienia » Wymienieni dostawcy:Project 1 EOOD