2016-12-09Framework contract for the provision of passenger transfer services by land — Kos island (Frontex)
Framework contract for the provision of passenger transfer services by land, by bus — Greece, Kos island.
The services are needed in support to law enforcement operational activities. The services are mainly associated with the corresponding transfers by sea between 1 designated port of departure in Greece and 1 designated port of arrival in Greece/Turkey.
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2016-09-21Purchase of the digital surface model along the EU borders (Frontex)
Purchase of a set of digital surface model (DSM) spatial data which can be used for analyses and visualisations. The digital surface model (DSM) is understood as a digital elevation model which includes ‘first surface’ elevations (e.g. vegetation and man-made structures).
Wyświetlenie zamówienia » Wymienieni dostawcy:GAF AG
2016-08-02RPAS maritime aerial surveillance services trial (Frontex)
Frontex seeks to acquire maritime aerial border surveillance services to be performed in specific maritime areas of the Mediterranean Sea during Q3 of 2016. The services offered shall include the provision of a RPAS platform, payload, communication equipment, and all the necessary experts managing the system and providing operational support.
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2016-05-17Purchase of the digital surface model along external EU borders (Frontex)
Purchase of a set of digital surface model (DSM) spatial data which can be used for analyses and visualisations. The digital surface model (DSM) is understood as a digital elevation model which includes ‘first surface’ elevations (e.g. vegetation and man-made structures).
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2015-10-08Study on the set-up and management of border security-related research in and outside Europe (Frontex)
The study aims at obtaining consolidated knowledge on how research and innovation related to border security is addressed in and outside Europe by authorities/agencies/public bodies with responsibilities in this field, with a view to identifying aspects that could, potentially, be incorporated in the European approach on the conduct of EU-funded research and innovation along the way between the ‘idea’/‘the identification of the need’ and the materialisation of the results, maintaining compliance with the …
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2015-08-12MyFrontex digital workplace (COTS-based intranet) (Frontex)
Frontex seeks an integrated solution that can take the role of a digital workplace addressing all common tasks of Frontex staff regardless if they work in the HQ or remotely. The scope of functionalities and features foreseen for the target situation is described in the downloadable descriptive document. Its Appendix 1 — the vision of the solution — explains Frontex expectations and relates the requirements presented in the descriptive document to users' tasks and their way of work. In addition, the …
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2014-09-09Frontex/OP/495/2014/AG Renewal of blade servers infrastructure (Frontex)
Frontex is in the process of changing its current headquarters location. The planned date for the completion is end of 2014 while the handover of the new data centre is expected for September 2014. As part of that process, Frontex intends to renew blade server infrastructure. The expected time of delivery for the specified new infrastructure is November 2014.
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2014-06-30Media/digital assets management system (Frontex)
The M/DAM system is expected to be the central repository of all Frontex media assets, with rich metadata possibilities which will allow to make advanced search and annotate files depending on their status (e.g. uploaded but not published yet, work-in-progress file). The M/DAM system would allow the assignment of different access rights to different assets, as well as to activate/deactivate certain functionalities for selected user(s).
Wyświetlenie zamówienia » Wymienieni dostawcy:Zeticon NV
2014-06-04Frontex positioning system (Frontex)
Frontex positioning system (FPS) concept aims to create a single, integrated, real-time automated system for tracking assets deployed in the Joint Operations (JO), and displaying positions of the assets in real time as well as calculating running costs of those assets, thus providing for automated procedures for assimilating and reporting financial data within the JO.
The aim of Frontex and the objective of this contract are to maintain and provide existing functionalities of the FPS for the JO, improved …
Wyświetlenie zamówienia » Wymienieni dostawcy:Atos IT Solutions and Services Iberia S.L.
2014-03-21External evaluation of the Agency under Article 33 of the Frontex Regulation (Frontex)
There is a legal requirement for Frontex every 5 years to be evaluated by an external, independent body commissioned for this purpose. This external evaluation shall enable the management board to assess the implementation of the Frontex Regulation. The findings and recommendations in the future evaluation report will also provide the management board with adequate information for issuing recommendations to the European Commission on possible changes to the Frontex Regulation, the Agency, and its working …
Wyświetlenie zamówienia » Wymienieni dostawcy:Rambøll Management Consulting A/S
2014-03-13NPP — Canteen in the Frontex new premises (Frontex)
Lot 1 — Canteen operator; framework service contract (FWC) for the provision of canteen operator services to Frontex, including canteen, cafeteria, catering and coffee & kitchenette services. Maximum duration of FWC — 4 years.
Lot 2 — Kitchen equipment; delivery and maintenance of kitchen and catering equipment required for Frontex canteen and catering services.
Wyświetlenie zamówienia » Wymienieni dostawcy:Art'Impression Catering Sp. z o.o.Wencel Sp. z o.o.
2013-09-10Media/digital assets management system (Frontex)
Frontex seeks to release greater value from its growing media archive by sharing it with its national partner authorities, service providers, the press and other third parties. Frontex's expectation is that implementation of a media/digital asset management system (MDAM) shall meet, among others, the following objectives:
1. to facilitate the intake of media files into Frontex's archive by allowing material to be submitted directly via password-protected access either via the Frontex intranet, or via the …
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2013-07-03Purchase of nautical charts for GIS (Frontex)
The purchase of a set of vector nautical charts pre-loaded to a computer appliance covering the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and some parts of the Atlantic issued by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) and purchase of respective licensing model together with 3 years' maintenance.
Wyświetlenie zamówienia » Wymienieni dostawcy:Geo4map Srl
2012-10-15Aerial border surveillance trial of manned aircraft with optionally piloted aircraft capability equipped with... (Frontex)
The global objective is to identify more cost-efficient and operationally effective solutions for aerial border surveillance that could be used in Frontex joint operations. Frontex would like to analyse performance of 2 different aerial surveillance systems for border surveillance during a 2-week test (each system) conducted during a joint operation. The system should comprise of:
a light aerial surveillance aircraft endowed at least with electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) payload and surveillance radar, …
Wyświetlenie zamówienia » Wymienieni dostawcy:Scotty Group Austria GmbH
2012-10-09Conference venue, accompanying catering services and accommodation for Operational Heads of Airports Conference... (Frontex)
The conference is organised by Frontex (European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union) for mid-level managers of EU border guards from European international airports in order to inform them about Frontex activities, to give them a chance to exchange experiences and good practices. The conference takes place regularly every year usually in the Member State holding EU Council presidency.
The services of the contractor …
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